Tuesday, January 19, 2010

CHAPTER FIVE: It's All in the Wrist

I left the bookstore and stopped off at the corner deli to pick up breakfast, lunch and dinner since I had not had anything to eat all day. Plus I had no idea that I was going to spend nearly all morning and into the afternoon in the bookstore. So I dashed in and share a quick conversation with Thomas the deli owner and ordered my favorite California Reuben and salad. While I was waiting for my order I noticed that the deli had something I was looking for. Off to the side there was a dart board with a couple of sets of darts. What a perfect way to make my travel selections. When my order came up I ask Thomas for a little favor and if I could borrow one of the set of darts. With not even a question why, he graciously with his soft smile handed me the darts and said, "See you next week with some answers."

Do you ever find yourself allowing your mind to wander? To wander into areas that you might not be familiar with. Well, that is where my mind is going on my walk home. It darted from one topic to another, changing every second. As I made my way into my building, Robert was there to grab the door for me since my arms were filled with bags from the bookstore and my dinner. I waved with a quick 'how-do-you-do' to Robert, the building doorman. Robert has been our doorman since I moved in and has saved my life on more then one occasion. From being late for an appointment to helping to remove an obnoxious date from my loft. Sometime I do not know what I would do without him. Robert is like a saint to me and I will miss him dearly.

"Do you need help Grace with your bags or have you mastered balancing them on your head?" Robert barked out with his dry sense of humor. "Robert, you clearly know just what to say to make my day," I winked at him, "If you could you just grab the lift for me, I think that is all I need for now." As he held open the elevator door I made my way in while shifting the bags. "Thank you, you are my knight in shining armour. You have a great evening Robert and I will see you in the morning," I said as I watch Robert disappear while the elevator doors closed and up I went to my loft.

I fumbled with my keys and as I unlocked and opened the door I just rolled through the door loaded with my bags in hand. As I made my way in, I headed for the living room and dumped my bag of books. Some made it on the sofa and other just fell straight to the floor. I opened the bag from the deli and started eating like I had been forced to starve for days. Shortly after inhaling my dinner I broke out the map. The map was the golden key to making my plan happen.

Luckily, my loft is very open with lots of vast space. The wall reach from floor to ceiling with both concert and hardwood floors. As I unrolled my map of the United States I thought that the wall over the bar area would be the perfect place to hang the map. Most of the walls in my loft are exposed brick, but the wall behind the bar is all wood and will be great for catching darts. I grabbed the staple gun from the closet and went to work on hanging my plan.

Our nation looked inviting from the sun that was turning vibrant orange as dusk started to set into the evening sky. With a glass of red wine in one hand and three darts in the other I was ready to start my quest. With thoughts of excitement filled me, I brought my left hand up and into the position to fire away. One quick release I let the dart fly. With my eyes closed I heard the dart enter the wooden wall with a mild thud. I raised my glass of wine to my lips and took a long drink. I swallowed the wine and spoke to myself, "This is the night that will change the rest of my life." I opened my eyes and slowly walk over to the map.

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